
10 Spectacular Facts About the African Pygmy Kingfisher

Posted by Denis on Fri June 21, 2024 in Birdwatching.

The African Pygmy Kingfisher, found near Needles Lodge, is a vibrant bird with electric blue, orange, and purple feathers. Despite its vivid colors, it blends into dense foliage. A skilled hunter, it catches insects with precision. Males perform aerial dances during breeding season. Adaptable and solitary, it nests in riverbanks or termite mounds. Though not endangered, habitat loss is a concern. Spotting this bird at Needles Lodge is a special highlight.

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Embracing the Winter Wonders of Kruger National Park: A Safari Adventure Unveiled

Posted by Denis on Wed March 27, 2024 in Birdwatching, Activities, Needles Lodge, and African Wildlife.

A winter safari in Kruger National Park provides unparalleled wildlife viewing opportunities and comfortable conditions, thanks to scarce water drawing animals to predictable spots, a mild climate, and fewer tourists. The season's unique charm, from May to September, promises a memorable experience with the natural world. This adventure is ideal for those seeking intimate encounters with Africa's diverse wildlife in a serene, picturesque setting.

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